Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bad Girl...Very bad girl

Okay...I admit I'm such a bad liar. But it was fun to taunt. Yeah, yeah, yeah...that's me. I made CK's 2007 Hall of Fame. I am completely blown. away. Completely. Two folks guessed on me and called me out from my MJBofHOF2007 anon name. Sneaky gals (smile). But the calls are up. I have to get home and listen to what they have for mine. Seeing as I didn't actually get the call and got a message because I'm a moron and can't charge my cell phone. My call story should give ya'll a little laugh though!

Thanks for all the congrats. Wow. This is just too much. Amazing!


Cheryl Wray said...

WOO HOO!!!! YAY!!!

Traci Keriazakos said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you!