Thursday, December 01, 2005

Panic alert. Remind me to breath from time to time today.

So. I finally (FINALLY) got my Provo Craft Design Team entry in. Yippee caiyay!

I will post my fantastically AWESOME keepsake that I did with their products. But I'm going to post it PRIVATELY. I know I'll have to email me if you wish to see it. I'm willing to share the photos one on one, but I've come to love this so much that I am going to use it as my "keepsake" entry for the Creating Keepsakes Hall of Fame contest. I think it is totally unique.

And just as I say that, I get ANOTHER idea for something that would totally kick the idea up a notch and you know, I've found a new use for a very common toy. Oh goodness I get chills thinking of how amazingly cool this is going to be.


Still sitting on pins and needles this week. Hoping beyond all hope for the Scrapworks call but already so content in that there are some amazing women (Keiren and Shannon) who I would be totally psyched if they won it. Keiren because I just love, love, love her layout. Shannon because I love her's too (and she did an AWESOME layout for the WA convention that got absolutely no love) but if Shannon wins, I get to go to her crop! How cool is that? If I win, she'll come to mine. And now we're both all about inviting Gina (the scrapper who was a Merit winner at WA and OR) so. One big happy love party amongst us. That is why I sooooooo love 2peas.

As promised to many a lurker (I swear people read this blog...really they do), the story of Scrapper 500.

So, the night of the WA CK convention, boyfriend, myself and the crew went out to the halloween costume party at the Showbox. Boyfriend, Bernadette and cool enough "go with the flow" girl who is a friend of the boyfriend dressed up in theme costumes. Let us just say that those theme costumes required "codenames." I don't remeber BF's and I quite think he might have gotten out of it. But girl who is a friend was named "11 mile". That's a story for another time.

Well, my name came to be "Scrapper 500" that night because earlier in the day, my BF got his first glimpse into just how friggin' serious I am about this scrapbooking stuff. I mean, he thought he was joining me at a convention just to carry bags as I shopped. Which he was excellent at by the way. But when he saw me taking notes at the contest entry wall, he got a clue.

When they were getting ready to announce the Scrapworks contest winners and I told him that I wanted to go and see the winners (they were not posted on the wall when I was there), he followed along dutifully. When I won and was totally in a daze and shaking and smiling 100 times wider than I'm always smiling (smile) he knew this was a big deal.

He asked me what I won for the Scrapworks deal and as is typical of most non-scrappers who don't get what a big deal CKU is (which is what *I* was so psyched about!!), he clearly understood $500.

So. That day he came to know me as a Scrapper. Being the finance/computer nerd that he is (God he is sooooo handy!!), he of course had to throw in some numbers to make that codename all the more secure and 500 was a natural fit (for the $500 I had won earlier...??...ok...). Yeah.

1 comment:

corinne5 said...

the 500 part is funny:)!
I wish you so much luck in this contest and if you want you can send me your entry idea, would love to see it!!
